I come from a blue collar town where my grandfather laid bricks and my father sold cases of soda to grocery stores. They worked long hours to make ends meet.
Me? I was a punk rock kid who couldn’t wait to get out, who toured the country playing drums, designing posters for my band’s shows, selling shirts I printed myself.
Today I realize what makes me such a unique designer are these values encoded in my DNA: I push up my sleeves and get dirty. I’ll swing a hammer, grab a camera, hand-print posters, learn a programming language in a weekend — whatever it takes not just to get the job done, but to do it right. My rebellious roots give me a different perspective: my approach is nontraditional, never expected and honest. This helps me lead clients to the heart of their own story — ensuring that we put forth work that is honest about who they are and where they’re going.
In my spare time I’m in the mountains—leading rock climbs and mountaineering trips with the Mazamas, one of the oldest mountaineering organizations in the country. I’m a musician and have toured the country in bands since I was 16 years old. I'm a dog lover, my best friend is a Boston Terrier named Matilda.

Here's some folks I've worked with:
Oklahoma City Thunder
Beer Advocate
Behr Paint
Gerber Knives
Jordan Brand
Neurot Recordings
Fantagraphics Books
The Oregonian
Hotlips Pizza
First Republic Bank
UNKL Brand
Pita Pit
Northern Quest Resort & Casino
Foxwoods Resort & Casino
San Fransisco Bay Guardian
Rochester City Paper
Folio Weekly
Metro Spirit
Tucson Weekly
Avista Utilities
University of Iowa Community Credit Union
Columbia Credit Union
America’s Credit Union
Tulip Credit Union